Friday, January 23, 2009

Twilight Pt. 1: Poetry Friday

It's Twilight Weekend here at Biblio File. There will be reviews and interviews.

But first, a silly little poem I wrote:

There once was a vampire named Edward
Whom Bella wished to take Bed-ward
He said "Oh! I can't!
I'm a dangerous scamp!"
But Bella said "Bite ME, not the fangirl herd!"

Tee hee hee

Laura Salas is rounding up!


tanita✿davis said...


Ah, Edward. Glittering above the fangirl horde...

Anonymous said...

Love that!

And YES I will be in Northern Va!! You made my day!!!!! The hubby will be working in Chantilly, so we'll be living in the Woodbridge/Manassas area (or so we think). If you have any info on good neighborhoods to buy a house in that would be great!
