Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Guardian's 1000 Novels Challenge

Well, here I am, hosting my very first challenge!

The British paper, The Guardian, has come up with a list of 1000 Novels Everyone Must Read Before They Die. (In case they take that link down, I've also posted the list here.)

So, the challenge is to read 10 and review read and review 10 books off the list (that's 1%) between February 1st of 2009 and February 1st of 2010.

Of these 10, you must read 1 from each category and, if possible, 1 should be a book you have never heard of until you saw it on this list.

Feel free to complain about certain books being included or not included.

Also, they have broken the list into smaller sections, with annotations, so you can see what a book is about before you check it out.

I'll have a post every month rounding up your reviews and it'll be lots of fun, so sign up below!

UPDATE There will be prizes! I'm not sure what yet, but at the end, there will be a prize drawing for everyone who finishes, and probably a drawing or two along the way...

Also, feel free to use these buttons!


Amy @ Literacy Launchpad said...

WooHoo! I'm the first to sign up! I've seen lists like these before and always wanted to make an effort to read 'em all. I have realized that will probably never happen. That's why I love this challenge. It's an easily (hopefully) attainable goal, and it gives my big lazy butt some motivation to go ahead and do it already!

I'll be posting this link on my blog ASAP.

AEKosseff said...

I'm totally in! This is a great idea. I'm feeling a little shy about the review part, but it's probably one of those things that's good for me, and I'll be insulated by the hundreds of others who surely will participate in your challenge!

Jennie said...

Your reviews don't have to be anything complex either! All you have to say is "I read XXXXX. I thought it was boring."

M. Molly said...

I'm in! I've been so wretched at updating my blog of late, maybe this will motivate me! Though I have to admit, the list of 1000 is a little intimidating -- how to choose?

Devon said...

Excellent idea!

Ana S. said...

I suspected it was a matter of time until a challenge like this came along :P I'm very tempted, and I particularly like your idea of including a book we hadn't heard of before the list. I'll have to see if I manage to finish some of my other challenges first.

Gregorus said...

I twittered about this the other day! I will need to go to the library I guess. Haven't been in a while :)

Unknown said...

I found this via M. Molly Backes, and I'm in as well.

Jen said...

why not? :)

Becky said...

I *tried* to resist. I really did. But here I am joining another challenge.

Anonymous said...

This sounds pretty awesome, and like a good way to get myself even further re-immersed into daily reading again (college kind of forced me out of the once-beloved habit).

Thanks Jennie, great idea!

Anonymous said...

This ties into my own new years resolution to read more books! thanks Jennie!

Brendan said...

Thanks for the idea and the opportunity. I think it'll be a very rewarding experience.

Anonymous said...

I'm in. This should encourage me to read more than just YA books this year.

Paul said...

Excellent idea! I'm in.

Will anyone else be reading their books on a Kindle? Looks like a lot of out-of-copyright books on the list so it should be easy to find free (and legal) copies for Kindle.

As the young'uns say these days: w00t.

EBS said...

This list is so much better than some of the others I've seen! I'm ready to start reading tomorrow!

Lizzy Siddal said...

Really looking forward to this.

Stacy said...

Great challenge. Thanks for hosting.

californiameaghan said...

good incentive to read some books i've been meaning to get around to...

Terry Dawson said...

this is a nice combo of worthwhile, challenging and manageable. thanks!

Christina said...

I'm in. I posted the challenge link in my blog, but haven't decided on my list of books yet. That's a task I'll have to sit and think about.

jlshall said...

This is a great idea - I'm signing up. I've got a post about it on my blog and I'm already reading my first book! Thanks for hosting.

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul said...

Howdy. I just finished my first book and review. I'm not sure where to post or submit it, so I posted it on my blog.

BTW: I registered for the challenge as RedZeppelin but I've since changed my Blogger display name to my real name.

alethe16 said...

I'm really looking forward to this! Thanks for hosting it!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I loved the list but I couldn't work out what to do with it. Did you know that there was a list of 100 additional books that readers thought should have been on the list too in today's Guardian?

Anonymous said...

I am way late to join but wanna play anyway!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I am late in signing up. I just got my new laptop the other day because my old one died on me. It sound like fun and I always am looking for new authors. Judy

Anonymous said...

Hello - this looks like a great challenge. I'm new to it all so a bit late joining. Looking forward to it. Thank you for hosting!

Jenny said...

Well don't need another challenge but this looks like a good one.

Sharon said...

This looks interesting. Thanks for offering it to us! I already have joined several challenges but......

Hazra said...

Hey, I'm in. This is my first reading challenge since I started blogging, and I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for hosting.

Anonymous said...

I've signed up. I've picked four books so far.

Laurie said...

This is a wonderful idea! I'm excited by reading the list of such great works and can't wait to sink my teeth into them.

Anonymous said...

I'm joining very late in the game, but by taking maximum advantage of overlaps with other challenges, etc., I hope to finish. I've just posted my list on my blog and have one of the books in progress.

Rebecca said...

I just found this from a link, and you've convinced me somehow that my TBR pile is too small--I hoping this will be an excuse to broaden my horizons!

melodious b. said...

It's a bit late in the game, but I'm joining this challenge, with the added restriction -- to be in keeping with my blog -- that all the books I pick have to be in the public domain and available for free online.

Book Chick City said...

Great Challenge! I'm in!

Vanessa Book ♥ Soulmates said...

Hi! Great Challenge!! Please sign me up!

Vanessa of