Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Challenge Update...

Hmmm... how am I doing on those challenges?

Well, there's the TBR challenge and I've read 3 books! Just 9 more before the end of December!

Octavian Nothing II, Kingdom on the Waves
Frog Princess
High Fidelity

Then there's the banned book challenge. I said I'd read 10 by June 30th. So far, I've read 1.


For the 1% challenge, I need to read 13 books by the end of the year. I've done 1.

The Wind Up Bird Chronicle

For the Buy Books Challenge, I need to buy and read 12 books by the end of the year.

I've purchased 11 and read 5!

Turning Pages
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Forever Princess

Frog Princess

For the Chunkster Challenge, I have to read 6 adult books of 450+ pages by the end of the year. I've done 1.

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle

And then there's my own Guardian Challenge, which has me reading 10 books by February 1.

Yeah, I've got nothing on that.

AND! Then there are two June-only challenges:

MotherReader's 48 Hour Challenge, where I read as much as possible in 48 hours this weekend.

And now there's the Summer Reading Blitz, where I attempt to read 30 books this month. So far, I've done 1:

Forest of Hands and Teeth

Lots of reading to do!

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