Friday, October 02, 2009

Some More Fairy Tales

Here are some more Fairy Tale books.

The first is one I read for Dewey's 24-Hour-Read-a-Thon in April. Are you going to do the October Read-a-thon? I am. It starts a 5am Pacific, October 24th, which is 8am in my world. I also have a big conference I'm going to on the 24th. BUT! It's a YA lit conference, so when I'm not reading, I'll be talking about books and listening to awesome authors talk about books. I'm excited!

Also, don't forget, the weekend before is KidLitCon and there's still time to sign up, so you should totally go do that NOW. Go on. I'll wait.

All signed up? Good. Now, for those book reviews:

The Sisters Grimm: The Everafter War Michael Buckley

War's a-coming in Ferryport, but Daphne and Sabrina might not be around to join it. Their parents woke up and their dad wants them out of all this mess PRONTO.

Daphne and Sabrina still aren't getting along. All Sabrina wanted was for her parents to wake up and life to go back to normal. But when they do wake up, it's obvious life can't return to how it was and it's hard to go forward when your parents think you're a good two years younger than you actually are and don't realize the importance of what's happening right at home.

And then we find out who the leader of the Scarlet Hand is! OMFG.

This book is war, both familial and actual. It's gritty and sad and we lose some beloved characters. The only comic relief is Puck's revenge on Sabrina for infecting him with the horrible disease known as puberty. More spoiler-y comments here.

The Sisters Grimm: The Inside Story will be out in May.

The Frog Princess ED Baker

So, in this twist, when the Princess kisses the frog, she turns into a frog herself. The two then embark on an adventure to find the witch that cast the original spell in order to return to their royal-human selves.

Do you know when I don't mind talking animals in books? In fairy tales. The rest of the time, talking animals can take a hike. I don't know why this is, it just is.

Anyway, this is a fun little book, especially for the banter between Emma and Eadric (our enchanted frogs). It doesn't play much with the traditional fairy tales beyond the initial set up. I'm interested in reading the rest of the series.

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