Monday, April 06, 2009

Famous Americans--and not just the standards!

Big events this week! New ILS! Passover! VACATION!

Plus, it's spring break, so the library's a little crazier than normal during the day.

But, it's Monday, so how about some non-fiction?

Tales Of Famous Americans Peter and Connie Roop

Yay for a collected biography book for the 2nd grade and under set. We need more of these. This book offers covers 17 different famous Americans. Your usual suspects are here--Ben Franklin, Abe Lincoln, Davy Crockett, Martin Luther King Jr. There are also some that don't get covered as often--Chief Sitting Bull, Madam C. J. Walker, Delores Huerta and some modern ones--Mia Hamm and Yo-Yo Ma.

Lots of color and pictures make the design kid-friendly, as do the mix of people.

It's a fun one that's a good addition to collections.

Full disclosure: The Roops are friends with my parents. Also, Connie Roop once almost gave me detention.

Roundup is over at Scrub-a-Dub Tub!

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