Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Blue Bloods: Revelations

BEWARE! This is a review of the 3rd book in a series. There are not spoilers for this book, but there might be spoilers for previous books in the series. 'Tis the nature of the beast. All you need to know is that this series is awesome, as is this installment.

Revelations Melissa de la Cruz

Lawrence may be the new Regis, but Schuyler is stuck living with the Forces, where Jack won't even acknowledge her existence. Meanwhile, underneath a mountain in Rio de Janeiro, at Corcavado, a monster is stirring, a monster that must be stopped.

And in Corcavado, all will be revealed and our big questions will be answered, but we'll be left with ones we hadn't even thought of yet...

I can't say too much without giving things away and none of it would make sense if you haven't read the series, but I love this series. The quality of writing (and difficulty!) remains much higher than one expects of such things, which makes it that much more addictive and wonderful.

Vampire war is coming, and in de la Cruz's vampire-verse, this probably means a battle between good and evil, Heaven and Hell. It's starting to heat up.

I'll have an interview with Melissa de la Cruz about Blue Bloods up tomorrow! Stay tuned!

Book Provided by... my local library

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1 comment:

Serena said...

I am looking forward to reading this book, since I've read the others in the series. Thanks for the review