Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And Puff that Mighty Dragon, He Ceased his Fearless Roar

My freshman year of college, my friend Ross was in my room and saw my copy Ten Years Together: The Best of Peter, Paul & Mary and asked to borrow it.

The next night he told my friend Laura, "Well, I'm going to fail history and am about to be sexiled from my room for the fifth night in a row, but I have Peter Paul and Mary, so it's all good."

I thought it captured everything perfectly.

Mary Travers's voice has been major part of the soundtrack of my life. Peter, Paul and Mary were often playing in the house growing up. Peter, Paul and Mommy (on vinyl) was one of the first albums I ever had. Leaving On A Jet Plane got played on repeat over and over during more than one year of teen angst.

It's her voice I hear singing when I see Dylan lyrics.

When Dan bought a copy of Around the Campfire, I knew I had found a keeper. Our first weekend getaway was when he took me to see them in concert...

I could go on and on.

Mary Travers died today at the age of 72. I have been listening to her voice all night. I will miss her music more than I can even fathom right now.

1 comment:

DougWheeler said...

I know what you mean. So much music mixed in with so much living.