Monday, September 29, 2008

Banned Book Give-Away

It's Banned Books Week!

To mourn the loss or attempted theft of intellectual freedom and to celebrate the right to read, I'm holding a contest.

Take a look at my side bar at the Banned Books lists. Pick any book listed and email me your choice: kidsilkhaze at yahoo dot com. Blog about the contest and email me the link, get another entry. Multiple winners will be selected!

Now! Go celebrate your right to read!


Ana S. said...

Great idea! I'll e-mail you now.

SmilingSally said...

I've made two choices and sent an email. I'd be thrilled with either title. Thank you for the opportunity.

Ana S. said...

I forgot to ask you if the giveaway was open worldwide! Just ignore my e-mail if it's not :P

Jennie said...

It's completely world wide! I'm sorry I forgot to mention it!

Dewey said...

Cool giveaway idea! Thank you.

Anna said...

What a great giveaway! I just sent you an email!
