Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I'm Back!

Hey all! I'm back from China, nicely sunburned and tired and not entirely sure which end is up. Top that off with the fact I did 3 database presentations this morning to 6th graders and am about to go do a storytime for K-3rd graders...

I'm still jetlagged and peeling rather grossly (how is it that my husband has never had a sun burn peel before?! He's fascinated and horrified at my shoulder.)

I have read some really awesome books lately that I promise to blog about really soon. I also have some minor blog roll changes and think I need a new picture. Until then, just a post to say hello, stay tuned, and if you really want to read me, I have a post over at Geek Buffet in which I discuss boycotts of Chinese products and who I think is really to blame.

Books soon!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Welcome back, Jennie. And get thyself over to The Longstockings blog. Caroline Hickey (author of Cassie was Here) and I had lunch, and we're determined to set up a DC/VA/MD kidlit group.