Saturday, April 08, 2006

Oh! The Decisions!

I really need to do some more reviews. I've read some absolutely lovely and wonderful things in the past week.

BUT! I'm lazy at the moment and want to talk about something else.

So, I absolutely loved Narinder Dhami's Bindi Babesand Bollywood Babes. I checked them both out from the library. Now, on TUESDAY there is a new one coming out--Bhangra Babes. Now, it will take a few months before the library gets this on the shelf, I'm sure. (I mean, the Lauren Child books are much more popular and circ a heck of a lot more, and But Excuse Me That is My Book [which came out on JANURARY 19th] is just now in processing). So... I don't want to wait 3 months for Bhangra Babes. Do I just buy it then? If I buy it, do I have to buy the other two? Do I want to own all three? What's the point of owning the third if I don't have the other two?

Do I need to just NOT worry about this? Probably. Will I stop? Probably not.

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