Carina hasn't gotten along with her father since her parents split up. She's always blamed him for the divorce and all he cares about is his business and his money.
After he forces her to drop all of her extra-curriculars, she leaks a damning memo to the press. As punishment, he puts her on a strict allowance, cutting her off from the funds she's used to. Carina doesn't mind-- she doesn't need his money, but she does need to raise some funds and quick so she can go skiing with the boy she likes.
I wasn't a fan of why her dad cut her off from the money. In the fight after Carina leaks the memo, her father lists all the thing she gives her (all material) and she retaliates with "Is that all that being a father means to you? Paying for stuff?"* And so he stops paying for stuff. That was... kinda missing the point. It's not like he starts paying more attention to her life of anything, he just stops funding it.
I also thought the ending with her dad was a little rushed.
BUT! Things I *did* love. I loved how much Carina really did rely on her dad's money. She had not idea how much she spent without thinking about it. I also really enjoyed the way she found a new friend and learned about everything there is to do in New York for free.
She never really was forced to learn some sort of "oh, other people have it so much worse than me" kind of lesson, nor is there a "best things in life are free" lesson. Which I appreciated. Because she does see a whole nother side of Manhattan with free concerts and carnivals and things to do without turning it into a learning moment. I mean, it is a learning moment, but it's really subtle and handled really well.
The friendships, fun plot, and learning small lessons without preachiness is what makes me like this series and what made me run out and buy the first book in the series because I really, wanted to read it.
I can't wait until we get Hudson's book, The Daughters Take the Stage in May.
*quoted from the ARC, so it might not be exact
ARC Provided by... the publisher, for review consideration
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