Benny Imura couldn't hold a job, so he took to killing.
How's that for a kicker of a first sentence?
When you turn 15, you have to find a job, of your get cut down to half-rations. Benny tries everything, but nothing fits so he reluctantly takes his brother up on the offer to be his apprentice as bounty hunter.
Benny will never forgive his brother, Tom, for what happened on First Night. Benny remembers his mother screaming from the window as Tom took Benny and ran while their father, already turned, attacked her from behind. Everyone thinks Tom is brave and fearless, a hero, but Benny knows. Benny knows Tom is nothing but a coward.
But as Benny journeys into the Rot and Ruin with Tom, he soon realizes that everything he thought he knew-- about who were the heroes and who were the monsters is completely wrong.
I'm over zombies. Really, another zombie book? Is that really necessary?
In this case, HELLS YES.
I've never been one for horror or zombies, but this is just so much more.
While there is certainly a lot of zombie action, at the core it's a coming-of-age story as Benny realizes there is more to the world and the people in it than he realized. As he realizes that maybe it's not the zombies that are the real monsters.
I loved the tension between the Benny and his generation and the adults. Benny was two on First Night. He remembers flashes from that night, but not life before. The adults remember that First Night wasn't a single night, what life used to be like before the dead rose and started biting. They don't like to talk about it much, want to save the younger ones from the horror of what happened, which means that the teens don't necessarily respect what's going on. I think it's something that often happens as communities try to move on from societal tragedy and Maberry explores this really, really well.
I loved how much this was more about the people in the community rather than us vs. zombies.
While the zombies are definitely important, this is a much meatier, deeper book than it appears on the surface.
There's a reason why it's a Cybils winner!
Also, bonus multicultural points-- Tom is Japanese-American and Benny is half-Japanese, half-Irish. It's not a huge deal in the series but for everyone looking for a hotttt Asian male in teen lit? TOM IS YOUR GUY. Swoony.
Book Provided by... my local library
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Jen...great review! Thanks so much.
Since you're a Tom Imura fan, there are thirteen pages of free prequel scenes for ROT & RUIN available on the Simon & Schuster webpage for the book. They include the scene of how Tom gets out of town on First Night.
Here’s a link to the main page; access the scenes by clicking on the banner that reads: READ BONUS MATERIAL BY JONATHAN MABERRY:
Benny Imura and his friends will return in DUST & DECAY (summer, 2011) and at least two more books beyond that (FLESH & BONE and FIRE & ASH).
ROT & RUIN is also up for a YASLA. Yikes!
Happy reading
Thanks so much for reccing this book. Rot and Ruin was just amazing and honestly I have _never_ cracked open a zombie novel or GN in my life. This book truly rose above all my expectations--I cannot wait for a sequel!! I loved Benny, Tom and Nix (and all the characters really)and the horrible, horrible world they lived in... What a read.
Amy C.
Thanks for the head's up Jonathan! (And even more, thanks for the great book.)
Amy-- I'm so glad you liked it. Your comment made my day.
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