Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Holidays!!!

It's the last night of Hanukkah. The Kung Fu Princess and I both got some great books this year.

Here's my awesome gift from my awesome Holiday Book Blogger Secret Santa:

Thanks A Cozy Reader's Corner Reviews! Also, by some really wacky twist of fate, I was YOUR Secret Santa! What?!

If you want to keep the spirit of the holidays alive and have some more giving spirit in you, check out Books for Teens. This is a new YALSA initiative to give books to at-risk teens. (We can all get behind that, right?) Plus, if you give in December, they're getting some sweet matching funds.

We're busy busy busy busy working on the Cybils shortlists. I can't wait to read some fiction over the long New Year's weekend. :) There's still a huge slew of nonfiction reviews coming your way, though. I have a huge stack of books that still need reviewing.

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