Luckily (?) it's done. And I have to say, I do really like the way it ended.
At the end of Book 7, Jack had turned into a dragon and Jack Frost was still off being a hero. This book has no Jack, and it's all Jack Frost being a hero in a weird space/sci fi world. With your Babe the Blue Ox episodes (which I've never appreciated.) Anyway, I'm not entirely sure what this volume has to do with anything. I can't explain it into the larger plot besides pure filler.
That said, it is really fun and I do like Jack Frost, so I'm not complaining too hard about it.
Ok first off, I'm not entirely sure what's up with this book cover from Amazon, because that's not what I have.
ANYWAY! It's the last one! We have a dragon in the US! And a newly minted hero! Heroes slay dragons! But this hero doesn't know that the dragon is really his father!
And that's all I'm going to say, because, well, SPOILERS.
BUT! I did like this one. I think it's a pretty strong ending to the series and one that I really like. It's fitting for all the characters (especially Jack of Fables) and it's fitting for the Fables universe in general. As much as I struggled with this series, I did not struggle with how it ends.
Book Provided by... my wallet
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