Lydia and Julie are back!!!
Lydia's mom is off to England for the summer and Melody is building houses in Guatemala (OMG-- I want a book just about that!) so Lydia has a choice-- road trip out to California with the Graham-Changs or go to England with her mom. She chooses the Graham-Changs.
It's not an easy road trip. Daddy's parents wonder when he'll find a nice lady and settle down. (Yeah.) And Lydia spends some time with her father and his new family. (There's a reason they haven't come up in the earlier books.)
With Lydia and Julie being trapped together in a car for so long, I expected some friendship drama, but there wasn't. Instead they bonded in the face of bad family. (And, also, some hilarious wacky family). Plus, road trips always lead to hijinks and roadside attractions.
This one deals with some different issues than the other ones but it does it really well. The issues are never ISSUES THAT WE MUST DISCUSS and there's enough humor to keep the book from getting bogged down. I also like how they're "resolved." Both girls get really indignant of behalf of their slighted friend. The Graham-Changs are used to Daddy's parents and have ways of coping and can talk Lydia through it. Melody and Lydia are used to their dad and can talk Julie through it. But, although they get some understanding of the situation and aren't going to continue to rage on, you know that they're not really "over it" (yet). I thought it was very realistic. The road trip aspect also helps, because there's something new and crazy down the highway to distract them.
Overall, a most excellent addition to the series and oh! slight cliffhanger ending involving Melody and that trip to Guatemala-- cannot WAIT to see how that plays out.
I love this series so much guys. SO MUCH. If you haven't read it yet, please do. You won't be sorry.
Book Provided by... my local library
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