Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I am back from Dallas.

It was awesome.

I met awesome people. I got to hang out with my awesome conference friends. I ran into several librarians who were librarians at Grinnell and instrumental in making me feel like I should be a librarian, too.

I saw lots of gossipy historical fiction with pretty dresses. (GO GO HENRY VIII!)

I saw book bloggers behaving badly and giving us the bad name that most of my book blogger peeps rail against time and time again.

I ate really good Mexican food and had some awesome margaritas.

I screamed with joy and muttered things under my breath at the Youth Media Award announcements.

I had flight delays getting there and cancelled flights getting home.

Even though I was sans baby, I still woke up at 4 every morning for a few minutes.

My committee work started and I'm excited.

We could see the Book Depository from our committee meeting room window.

Because of the awards announced and the conversations I had this weekend I just put a million books on hold. But I also have 2 boxes of books and 2 more on their way.

There will be more coming, especially about proper exhibit hall behavior and books to expect, but I'm in a good mood and don't want to complain and I want all my books here to remind me of everything I want to talk about.


Abby said...

Ahhhh, I still can't believe Conference is over... I am so glad we got a chance to hang out! :D

Beauty and the Armageddon said...

Is it weird that I dream of one day attending ALA?
