Queen Isolde is burying her husband, King Constatine. He supposedly died in battle, but Isolde knows different. The court musician Myrddin is slain and Isolde has no allies as all around her men compete to take the title of King of Camlann. Her life is in danger, and the only thing she can control is a mercenary soldier being held prisoner.
Arthur! Tristan! Lots of court intrigue taking place in the ruins of Camelot. I loved the stripping back of the flowery Mallory legend. There wasn't a lot of Tristan/Isolde retelling in this one, but I assume that it will develop over the trilogy. Seriously loved all the politics and double crossing. I loved the portrait of a country caught between old ways and new. I also liked how Isolde used to have magic gifts that she's lost and isn't sure if she wants them back.
I enjoyed this book and it's suspense and character development. I'll be seeking out the other books in the trilogy. I also noticed that Elliot has some short one-offs about various characters that are available on Kindle. I love background information like this. That's why I enjoy the in-between books in such series as The Last Apprentice and Blue Bloods. I love how much they build up a world and flesh out minor points, which makes everything more awesome. I think the Kindle's a great format for authors to make this extra material available if their publishers don't want to do a separate volume.
Book Provided by... the author, for review consideration
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