For today's Nonfiction Monday, I thought I'd tie it in with this morning's review of The Adventures of Ook and Gluk, Kung-Fu Cavemen from the Future.
This book offers a good, basic introduction to the Stone Age and was a Cybil's nominee last year.(Yes! I know how far behind I am in sharing my reviews!)
Page spreads concentrate on things such as cave painting, mammoth hunting, cooking, or tool making. After a general introduction to the topic, there are several illustration of various sizes with other small bits of information in the captions and side paragraphs.
Overall, it's a quick and interesting look at daily life during various seasons of the stone age. Something the book doesn't get into is where this clan of people live (besides "the tundra") and any cultural differences between various stone age peoples and if clans had interaction with each other. While this was a good introduction, I could have used a little... more.
There's a very good time line in the back and the further reading list includes books and websites that are also geared for kids.
Today's nonfiction roundup is over at Playing By the Book be sure to check it out!
Book Provided by... the publisher, for Cybils 2009 consideration
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