Sunday, December 06, 2009

Let the Party Begin!

Yay! It's Biblio File's birthday and my party has started!

All the details are here.

Basically, take 5 hours this weekend to read a book that you WANT to read (not HAVE to read) in your favorite reading spot. Take some time for you and a book and remember what this is all about.

Have fun! It's a party!

When it's over, leave comment or blog about what you did and leave me the link. Lots of goody bags to go around!

I'm combining this with Dreadlock Girl's Read Read Read a thon. Feel free to do the same.

Save some cake for me!

UPDATE: I'm making this a sticky post until Monday, but I don't know how to redo that except for just reposting it when I post something else. Sorry.


Becky said...

I'm definitely going to be reading tomorrow!

Becky said...

Here's the post where I'm keeping track of my reading.

GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

Here's my post! I'm so glad you hosted this-I loved having a day to just relax and read!:)

Anonymous said...

My post is here!

Megan said...

Dreadful Penny said...

Thanks for throwing such a great party :) My post is here: